I love exploring our "neighborhood."
Sid ready to roll!
I was fascinated with the doors...
and door knockers...
...and bikes in the hutongs.
Every once in a while a caravan of rickshaws would zoom by on a tour through the hutongs.
Retired rickshaw

A peak through a door...
Another knocker

More bikes
In the square near the Beijing's Bell Tower, groups of people gather for games.

Gulou, Beijing's Bell Tower, is located at the northern end of the central axis of the Inner City.
In ancient times, a bell and drum tower were used as musical instruments in China. Later, when there was no other means of keeping track of time, they were used by the government and common people as timepieces. At dawn the bell would ring at at dusk the drums would sound. Bell and drum towers were constructed in many cities throughout the country. 

Stairs to top of tower

View of city under bell
View of city from Bell Tower
View of Drum Tower from top of Bell Tower
Off to Zhonglou, also known as the Drum Tower of Beijing...
Perfect timing. The moment my foot touched the last step at the top of the Drum tower, the drumming began. I heard the deep resonant sound and felt each beat deep in my soul. It was as incredible experience.

View of city from Drum Tower
Snack time...peanuts, almonds and sunflower seeds for us!
More hutong views
We stopped at this funky little place for lunch and loved the wall menu. How about duck blood cake, Sid?
Or egg fries the tomato?
I played it safe and ordered the noodle soup.
Met this dear woman hanging out in front of her home.
More gentrification of the hutongs

We went back to our little room at the Hutong Inn for a rest and heard the sound of children coming from below. We didn't know it, but just outside our window was a school. All the little guys were being picked up by many different forms of transportation...no room for a school bus here!
Our favorite little spot to relax.

My friend, the bartender, making me of all things...a mojito!

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