Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1 September 2010 ~ Dragonfly Bike

Mom appearing in the spirit of dragonflies never ceases to amaze me. It warmed my heart and gave me a smile from ear to ear when the bike I borrowed from my friend Ana had dragonflies on it. When I went over to her condo to pick it up last weekend, there was a row of bikes outside her door. I saw one with dragonflies and knew instantly that was the bike I was about to ride. And it was! I love the fact that as I ride through the street of JinShiTan, China all I have to do is look down and there's Mom right there riding along with me saying, "Yippee! We're in China!" The synchronicity of life is such a cherished and precious gift.

For those of you who don't know my dragonfly story, here it is in a letter to Sue Barkann of Sue B Designs Jewelry...

September 27, 2008

Dear Sue,

Hello. My name is Kimberly Blake and I’d like to tell you a sweet, heartwarming story about how you and a piece of your jewelry touched my life in the most incredible way.

In January of 2002 my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She battled with great courage, dignity and strength for over three years until March 27, 2005, when, while I was at her side, she took her last breath here with us. She was my best friend, my confidant, my companion at all stages of my life. We had a closeness that I consider to be one of the greatest gifts of my life. I cherished this closeness and I wasn’t sure how to move forward with life without her by my side.

About four months after she passed away, I was with Uncle Marshal (Mom’s brother) on his houseboat on Lake Mojave. I was swimming in the lake one afternoon when a very small dragonfly the color of turquoise (turquoise was Mom’s birthstone) started following me. It stayed with me as I swam around the lake and made my way back to Uncle Marshal’s boat. Just as I grabbed on to the side of the boat, this sweet little dragonfly landed on my hand. I instantly said to this amazing creature, “Hi, Mom!” Without a shadow of a doubt, I knew it was her coming for a visit. We had this nice little chat and off she flew. It left me with a feeling of such closeness, like my mom had never left my side. I really didn’t have to figure out how to live without her because she was letting me know that she was still right there. I will never forget that moment.

The following week I learned that among Native Americans and Asain cultures dragonflies are believed to be messengers from parted family members back to the living relatives. I already knew this in my heart and it made me feel even more blessed by the dragonfly’s special visit. I also learned that dragonflies are a symbol of renewal after a time of great hardship.

A few months later I was in Grass Valley with my mom’s best friend, Rosemary, and my mother-in-law, Marge. Two women who were ever so close to mom and who I consider my second moms. We were doing a bit of shopping and walked into The West Wind, a shop on Church St. The first thing I saw in their jewelry display case was one of your beautiful dragonfly necklaces that looked just like the turquoise creature who came to visit me at Lake Mojave. I knew again that it was Mom saying, “Hi, Honey. I’m right here with you.” I asked to see it and while holding your precious necklace, I told Rosemary and Marge the story of what happened on the lake that day. I then handed the necklace back to the shopkeeper with a thank you and all three of them at the same time said, “You’re not going to buy it?!” I reminded them that I had just taken a year off work to help care for my mom and my bank account wasn’t at it’s norm. The woman behind the counter said, “This necklace belongs to you and I’m going to sell it to you at a discount.” I knew then that it needed to be with me, around my neck, reminding me how close Mom was to me, even though she was no longer physically at my side. The shopkeeper loving wrapped the necklace in a beautiful box and sold it to me at a discount. Bless her heart.

Upon my return home that day, I was unpacking and came across the box that held the dragonfly. I took the necklace out and tried it on for the first time. I looked at myself in the mirror and for the first time saw Mom’s face looking back at me. Everyone said how much we looked alike, but neither one of us saw it. I placed my hands over my neck and sat in the warmth of knowing that I was not alone in my sadness of missing her. She was right there with me. I then took the necklace off, laid it down on the counter and the dragonfly landed upside down. This is when I notice there was something written on the back. I brought it closer and saw “Sue” engraved on the back and my heart skipped a beat . . . my mom’s name is Sue . . . .

There aren’t really any words I can use right now to describe or convey my intense feelings in that moment. I was so deeply connected with both my mom and the Greatness of Spirit who led me through this enlightening journey and allowed me to witness all these precious moments life has to offer. When I wear the necklace with her name so close to my heart, I know that she never really left my side.

Thank you, Sue. Thank you from deep in my heart for the gift your beautiful creation brought into my life. I will cherish the necklace and you, always.

With great warmth,

Kimberly Sue Blake


  1. Hi Sweetie, even though I knew this story, it brought tears to my eyes again. You are so in tune with your heart and I'm thrilled you listen to its song every day. What an inspiration you are to me and all who know you. I love you!

  2. Dearest Kim, I read this story through tears of joy not sadness. Your journey to your inner peace and self confidence has been a long one. I am so happy for you. Love you bunches.
