Thursday, August 19, 2010

20 August 2010 ~ PEEPS!!!!!!

As most of you know, I am very passionate about Peeps...those cute little marshmallow treats one finds around every major holiday. (We all have to have our vices, right?) Well...I FOUND PEEPS RIGHT HERE IN CHINA!!! I'm feeling so much better now...all is well in my world! And yes, I will be opening the package and waiting until they get stale before I eat them! (Sure hope they get stale in all this humidity!)


  1. Hi Kim, just returned from Palm Springs and had a blast viewing your daily photos. Keep 'em coming. As soon as I saw the photos of Peep's I knew things were good in your world. Let us all know if the Peep's do not get stale there. You know I can purchase them, let them get stale here and then send them to you. They literally weigh nothing so the cost should not be to bad to mail. (:

  2. Oh Buddy,
    I saw your picture of a PEEP and knew your heart had to skip a beat when you saw them. I love that you found them. Who would of ever thought they would have PEEPS in China. Thank you Universe!
    Lots of Love,

  3. My what great peeps you have:) Hey, is that a giant tongue coming out of that little picture peep's mouth? I suppose that indicates how delicious they are. China is going to learn the intricacy of peep devouring from you my dear. Soon, all of Dalian will be leaving their peeps out to dry. I see peeps on every windowsill in the morning light--after the rains:)

    Muchos besos,

