What an interesting day!
Off to my next adventure: Sanya--on Hainan Island, China.
I had it in my head that my flight left at 2:30 this afternoon and the plan was that the boys were going to put in their last morning of construction work, then Brandon, Jess, Megan and I were all going to take off at 12:00, right after lunch. I was going to be dropped off at the airport and Brandon, Jess and Megan were off to a week in Phuket. Well, it a very good thing that I checked on my flight last night because, it was not leaving at 2:30, it was leaving at 12:05! Good to know, but this threw a monkey wrench into all the plans. Many ideas were thrown about on how to get me to the airport, and I finally ended up catching a ride with Pon and Da as they were taking two sick kids, Gomin and Khati, to the doctor in Phuket early this morning. This meant I no longer had the morning to spend with the kids and I had just enough time to pack my bags, say a quick goodbye, and hop in the truck. The good thing and the bad thing all wrapped up into one was that my goodbyes were cut very short. I really wanted to chance to touch base with each child, but there just wasn't the time. And when I did say goodbye, the kids were engrossed in a painting project. As it turned out, it was a small blessing in disguise because it made my goodbyes go really smoothly, until I got to Ruth. There were tears on both our parts. I think I felt most connected to her and she to me, so it was not an easy parting. My heart ached when I finally left, yet it was overflowing with joy all at the same time. Tears are coming now as I type this. Those little guys filled me with hope, love, and a deep knowing that any adversity in life can be overcome. Their stories are such a gift and I walked away with overflowing blessings from each and every one of those dear children. I love you, Sarina, Hanna, Kaleb, Pauli, Gomin, Yotin, Joe, Khati, Khon Pon, Om, Ruth, and Phann! You are all in my heart forever. Thank you for your hugs, love, and life lessons that will be with me forever.
It was yet another blessing in disguise that I arrived at the airport really early. It was packed with people, cars, and the lines went out the door. Took me over an hour just to check in. I was looking at three flights today: Phuket to Bangkok, Bangkok to Guangzhou, and Guangzhou to Sanya. I had faith that it would all play out smoothy even when they made me sign a waver saying that if I missed my connection in Bangkok I was on my own. I was transferring from Thai Airways to Kenya Airways, who had no agreements with each other. I spent just a bit of time being pissed with CheapOair again (I had gone round and round with them for a month because the flight they had me on going back to Dalian from Sanya did not exist), but I simply signed the waver, took and deep breath, and knew that no matter what, all would be well. Flying through Asia is all about having faith.
The flight was delayed out of Phuket, but I made it safely to Bangkok and only had a short time to check into my next flight to Guangzhou. That was part of the waiver I signed...had to jam off the plane, run to the ticket counter, and check in again with Kenya Airways or according to the waiver, I was "on my own." Thank goodness the folks at Kenya Air gave me a special pass so I could zip through customs and security because Bangkok Airport is one darn BIG airport! I made it with just about two minutes to spare...and a lot of sweat! Phew! So please tell me, why oh why would CheapOair put me on two airlines that have no commitment to each other and only give me a small window of time to change planes?? I learned soooooo many lessons on this trip, but being it was my first go at traveling through Asia, I wasn't doing half bad!
I loved being on the Kenya Airways flight. A sold out flight full of Africans, Chinese, Thai, and...me! : )

I made it safe and sound to Guangzhou Airport and I was ever so happy to see that my luggage did too! I thought thought Bangkok Airport was big, but Guangzhou was twice the size! I gathered my belongings and my wits, made it through customs without a hitch, knew I had about three hours before my next flight, and was feeling pretty good. After a twenty minute walk from the terminal, I finally made it to the ticket counter to check in with China Southern Air. The guy didn't speak much English, so he underlined the time my flight was supposed to take off, 10:35pm, and wrote 11:05am on the side of my paperwork. I was a bit confused at first, but he got it across to me that the flight I was booked on through CheapOair was not going to leave at 10:35pm because it already left that morning at 11:05am!!
Urrrrgghh! CheapOair strikes again! The one good thing is that they were living up to their name, I must give them credit for that. I was then directed to another counter to figure out what to do next. A very kind woman told me she could either get me on a flight leaving in 20 minutes or one at midnight. I knew there was no way I was going to check my bags and make the long journey back to the terminal in 20 minutes, and the thought of flying at midnight was ever so daunting, so I decided to call uncle and asked her if I could simply fly out the next morning. She happily put me on flight 6746 leaving at 11:05 tomorrow morning. Thought this was pretty ironic considering it was the flight I was supposed to be on today! ; ) I then asked about accommodations for the night and she said walk straight that way, pointing directly behind me. Being ever so tired at this point, I did as I was told and soon found myself walking outdoors into the very cold rainy night air (I was still dressed as if I was in Phuket) and there, towering above me, was the Five Star Pullman Hotel. Can it get any better than that?? I checked into this most glorious hotel, took a long hot bath (haven't seen a bathtub in a looooong time), and snuggled into the most luxurious bed (haven't felt such softest since leaving my own bed back home) that had, count them, SIX down pillows!
I find myself actually appreciating CheapOair at this point in time!!!
Go figure!
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