What trip would be complete without the silly signs?
Note: all of these were taken when I arrived back in China during the last week of my trip. Not a single crazy sign to be found in Thailand...only in China! The Thai must have better translators. : )
Prevent snakes and insects from...??

I'm still laughing at the next two. Yes, you actually had to go downstairs and once you were at the bottom of the stairs on the viewing platform...
...there was this sign. Ever so confusing...and funny!
Boiled Water Room? Only in China!
You know, I can see this turning into a lucrative career. I could become a translator and make my millions right here in China!
This one is really a hoot. On the flight home, China Southern Airlines provided boxed lunches with this message on the top:
There is something so Zen about the "worship Buddha" signs. Somehow I think Buddha would smile.