My friends Jon, Ely, April and I took an amazing spiritual journey today over Daheishan (Big Black Mountain). We explored a series of Buddhist temples and hiked the temple-like, awe inspiring peaks of Dahieshan. It's been called the "wonder of the southeast corner of Liaoning Province" and I know exactly why...

Jon and Ely at the beginning of our journey.

April getting into the Spirit.

These red strips of cloth are tied on trees and statues by visitors making wishes and remembering loved ones.

Purchasing the red cloth at the entrance of the first temple.

The doors of the first temple.

Jon pointing out the temples we were about to visit and trails we were about to hike...

Buddha figures exhibit a multitude of characteristics that communicate subtle meanings and intentions. The most important of characteristics are the mudras, or hand gestures. This is a Buddhist hand gesture to expel demons. I recognized it as sign language for "I love you."

This one is tied in memory of those who are now my angels.
The path was lined with statue after statue with a beautiful yellow cape draped about its shoulders...

This one is a wish for more laughter in the world!
Laughing Buddha's toes...

The altars were numerous and ladened with gifts from family members and friends to those who have parted this world...
April and I lighting incense to leave burning at the temple in memory of loved ones...
Placing the incense in memory of Mom.
After leaving the first temple, we walked down a beautiful tree lined path to hike up and over Daheishan.

As we headed up the trail, we heard the beautiful, serene sound of a flute. It was perfect for the occasion and added to the quiet, restful feeling of the mountain and its temples. When we found the source of the magical music, I asked the gentleman to play for us and he was more than happy to oblige. The sound echoed across the mountain and filled my heart with peace and love. Thank you flute man for this precious gift...
April and me

Nature's temple...

On top of the world...
A group shot at the top.
A long, steep staircase down to the next temple...

The entrance to the third temple...
Rubbing Laughing Buddha's belly for luck...I love it!!!

The statues were awe inspiring!

One can never get enough luck!! Especially from this big guy!!

Another steep staircase to one more temple...
Thank you for this glorious day shared with good friends, Buddha, and the Spirit of Nature.

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