Woohooo!! This is my 100th blog post...which means that I have been on this journey for exactly 100 days. It's hard to believe that it's been that long since the first blog post of Russell and me climbing on that plane in San Francisco. And in some ways that day seems like a lifetime ago. So much has happened since July 31 when Craig, Lois and Adam took me to the airport and I feel like a different person.
It was a beautiful day, so my friend Nancy and I decided to pack up a picnic lunch and head for Golden Pebble Beach along the Yellow Sea. As we were sitting there enjoying our lunch and watching the fishermen bring in their daily catch, I glanced down and found a heart shaped rock, then another, and another. Of course my mind went straight to Mom and knew she was right there on the beach with me on this glorious day. I then set out to find 100 heart shaped rocks to commemorate this very special day. I thought it might take a while, but it wasn't long before Nancy and I had a pile of 1oo Golden Pebble Beach heart shaped rocks. Can you believe it? It was goose bumpily amazing!!
My favorite shot of the day.

Can you believe it? 100 of them!

I love you, Mom. Thanks for being right here
by my side no matter where I go.