I am so loved! Not one, but TWO packages arrived today! One from my sweet brother Greg and sister-in-law Debe and one from my dear, dear friend Christiane. When packages come to DAIS, they are delivered to the guards office at the front of the school. This is Jason, the guard who is there to say ni hao every morning and zai jian every evening. I think one of his favorite jobs is to deliver parcels, letters, and cards to all the staff. He's like Santa Claus delivering all the gifts at Christmas.
Emma, assistant to the Secondary Head of School, received a package too! We are all very happy when care packages arrive!
I brought them home and simply stared at them for a while with sweet anticipation...savoring the moment before I opened each one.
And boy, was I a happy camper when I ripped them open! I giggled and shrieked like a little kid with each and everything that came out of those boxes. Christiane had sent wonderful licorice tea that we had shared together while we were in Lake Tahoe last summer, so the first thing I did was put the kettle on and brewed myself a nice cuppa tea to enjoy (and remember Tahoe with my sweet friend) while I admired all my goodies. And look...Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup and Norr's Chicken Broth. Yes, I know it's silly, but these things are like gold here.
I was down to my last "Easy Brush," so boy was I happy to see these! They're a must for this braces wearer! Between Greg and Debe's box and Christiane's I now have five packages!!! That will certainly get me through the year. And I definitely needed one after digging into a Chocolate Peanut Butter Pure Protien Bar. Yuuummm-eeee!
It was wonderful when everything that came out of Greg and Debe's box smelled like Altoids. As Greg put it when I Skyped him later, "Man those things are curiously strong!"
To hold something in my hand with Trader Joe's written on it sure is sweet! I miss the Joe!

To see my hometown paper made me cry. My brother loves to work on the Sunday crossword puzzle in Sonoma County's Press Democrat, so he has it delivered to Southern California. (Sorry I'm not there to send them to ya Greg.) It was just so "normal" to sit on my couch and read the Press Democrat. It reminds me of when I lived in England and Papa Bill would sent parts of the Los Angeles Times to me. Sweet memories.
On my wish list I had asked for a pocket Mandarin dictionary and look what my bro and sis sent! A pocket Mandarin dictionary and Survival Chinese (This one is awesome because it shows you the English pronunciation of the pin yin, something I desperately could use!), and a Mandarin Chinese Picture Dictionary, and (my personal favorite) Dirty Chinese! This one really cracked me up. The first thing I did was look up how to tell Elbow Man off like a native! Greg and Debe also sent a fabulous tour book of China which I hear was a true scavenger hunt to find. Seems as if it was the last one in print in all of California. You two are so awesome...I just love all my new resources!!! : )
I LOVE the dragonfly pin, Debe. It's beautiful and so very special. Thank you for the heart felt gift. : )
It's hard to find maps of the area in English, so Greg and Debe also sent maps, maps, maps of the world, China, Asia, and Southeast Asia. On this one, I can check off Dalian, Dandong, Benxi, Anshan, and Shenyang as places I have traveled to so far.
I am the luckiest woman alive to have such dear family and friends. Thank you Christiane, Greg, and Debe for the double love from home. I love you guys!
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