Friday, October 29, 2010

19 October 2010 ~ It's Moving!

The powers that be in the Chinese government decided to turn the water off in the JinShiTan area for 24 hours today. The good news: school was closed for the day. The bad news: no water for 24 hours?! I will never, ever take precious, running water for granted again!

Given the gift of a day, I was pleased when my friend Ana asked if I would like to go into Dalian to do some shopping with her at Ikea and Metro. She has a driver, you see. No carrying everything I purchase back on the bus or train! What a gift! Thank you, Ana. I was able to stock up on heavy food items such as rice, milk, and canned goods. At Ikea I purchased lamps, a coat rack, plants, and all kinds of wonderful items to make my apartment more homey. Thanks for a wonderful afternoon, Ana!

As we were walking through the streets of Downtown Dalian to do some shopping at the Korean market, I walked by this blue tub. The sign says 18 yuan for 1/2 kilo. I was curious as to what was 18 yuan because that is kind of a high price. Most prices you see on the street are much lower. My curiosity was also piqued because you just never know what you're going to find for sale on the streets in China. I stepped up to take a close gander and realized that whatever was in the tub was actually moving!
Oh my goodness...those are frogs!
My apologies to my frog loving friends out there!
Frog: "I was hoppin' along mindin' my own business and the next thing ya know, I'm up for sale!"
These were awfully petite frog's legs, so my brain does one go about cooking these cute little guys? Stir fry? Frog fricassee? Hmmmm....
You know, I hope I never get used to the "foreignness" of living in China. I hope I am always surprised by the intriguing, strange and extraordinarily interesting things I witness each time I venture out into this amazing land.

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