As I was searching Golden Pebble Beach yesterday for heart shaped rocks, this adorable man came up to me with a bunch of golden stones of his own that he had been collected along the beach. He spoke only Chinese, but I could tell he was quite proud of his collection and wanted to share. The way he had them arranged in his hand and the tone in his voice let me know that these stones meant something to him on a truly spiritual level. After admiring his prizes, I showed him that I was collecting heart shaped golden stones and his face lit up. We continued communicating as if we knew exactly what the other was saying.
He then pulled out a book from his jacket pocket and opened it up for me to see. It was an according folded book full of beautiful calligraphy and a collection of fall leaves drying inside. He pointed at the exquisite characters and then to himself telling me that this was his work. From his proud stance and the smile on his face I knew that he took great pride in his art and loved sharing it. It was a wonderful moment where I stood in awe, speechless and honored to be witness to such a sweet man and his work.

Proudly, he took his book of calligraphy and with a flourish unfolded the pages for both Nancy and me to see along the retaining wall next to our growing collection of heart shaped stones. I stood in sweet admiration as this man shared his pride and joy. We chatted more, again not understanding each other's language, but seeing the expression on his face and knowing what was coming from his heart, I understood every word he was saying. It was another precious moment to hold in my heart and remember for days to come. Again, confirmation as to why I am meet sweet, gentle people like this man.
He was ever so proud and just adorable! : )

He then showed me his brochure to let me know that he was quite a famous artist not only with calligraphy, but painting and sculptures as well. We then said our goodbyes and appreciations to each other and he started to walk away. After a few steps he came back and handed me the brochure pointing to the phone number and then to himself, smiled, and walked away. I opened the brochure to see he had also left one of his fall leaves inside for me. I was so touched and will be asking one of my Chinese friends to call his number and find out more about this delightful man. I'd like to meet with him again to learn his life story and to ask him to teach me his fine art of calligraphy. : ) I'll keep you posted.
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