Thursday, November 11, 2010

11 November 2010 ~ The Strangest Thing...

The strangest thing happened today. It started this morning when I got up at 5:30. Normally at this time there is a bit of dawn light, but when I came down the stairs and looked out the window, I actually had to check the clock to make sure it wasn't 4:30 instead of 5:30. It was still pitch black outside. Then came the booming thunder, lightening, and heavy rain. I love a good storm! The deluge let up by the time I walked to work (very grateful for that!) and by lunch time the sun was trying to come out. At about 1:00 my students were in their Mandarin class and I was busy working at my desk which is situated right next to a big window. As I worked, something seemed very odd. When I glanced out the window I realized why. It looked like the middle of the night!
I had to look at the clock to make sure I wan't going crazy!
Yes, it was true. It was 12:52 pm, but it looked like 12:52 am! A group of us gathered around outside to witness this extremely bizarre event. We watched as the sky turned from black to a very dark orange. It cast an odd glow over everything and we all felt like we had been transported to another world. It was awfully eery!
And 15 minutes later...everything was back to normal. It was one of the freakiest things I have ever witnessed. Now I know what it must have felt like in days past when people saw an eclipse for the first time and didn't understand what was happening. Do do doo doo....

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