April and I took the bus into Kaifaqu this morning and, after running a couple errands, we ventured out to explore some new territory. There is a bizarre UFO shaped building that looms over Kaifaqu at the top of a mountain between the city and the sea. Our goal was to make our way through the city street and up to the top of the mountain to have a looksy for ourselves at this strange structure and find out exactly what it is. Thanks to our fellow hiking friend Jon, we had some general directions , but really weren't sure exactly how to get there. This is so true for most everywhere I go in China for the first time...it's such a guessing game when it comes to directions and finding landmarks. When we saw this sign we figured we were headed toward some kind of scenic spot (or possibly a movie set) and we couldn't lose no matter what we found!

Along the way we came across the Lucky Bell Belfry.
I really wanted to go up and ring this bell to right all my wrongs of my last bell experience in Qain Shan, but the little gate to go up the stairs was locked. With a guard looming in a shack nearby I thought jumping the fence might not be such a good idea (especially in China) and I'd have another bell faux pas to live down!

Up a flight of stairs and there we were. Big building? Big spaceship? We still don't know what this building actually is. It's that language thing again...sure wish my brain could learn Chinese characters.

As we stood under the UFO waiting to be beamed up, we looked out toward the sea. Yes, the Yellow Sea is out there somewhere. They say this is fog, but I grew up in LA County in the 1970's and I know better! We were quite curious about this statue now, so our plan was to head down the other side of the mountain and check it out.

Modern China and Ancient China
We hiked down the hill to this next sight. We expats here in China have a saying, "Only in China" and we say it quite a bit when we run across the oddest things. And this statue was definitely in the odd category. A massive winged horse with a statue of what looked like a baby Buddha sitting at the top. Would love to know what this statue symbolizes. Tried to Goolge it, but no luck.

We had a picnic lunch under the watchful eyes of Baby Buddha and Winged Horse. I am so glad April and I had the chance to spend this great day together and chat, chat, chat. I missed so much being sick for so long, especially all the bonding that happened with the new teachers as they went out and socialized together. I am very happy to be catching up and am cherishing my growing friendship with April. : )
Yes, that's a Subway sandwich.

Gate to nowhere in the middle of nowhere.

Cool workmanship.
We made it all the way down to the beach, turned around and saw these great dinosaurs. I remembered them from the day I arrived in China as we drove from the airport to DAIS. The Chinese really love their dinosaurs and they appear everywhere.
Man selling candied crabapples on a stick along dinosaur row.

This was very interesting. As we walked along the boardwalk that lined the beach, we saw spiral cut squash laid out to dry along the railing...miles and miles of it!

Ship on the beach
Statues on ship

We felt like we were in a combination of Brighton Beach, England, Malibu Beach, California, and Jinshitan Beach, China. These homes were beautiful and the thought crossed our minds that if we could live here and commute to work each day, life would be really good!
More squash being laid out to dry along with...
and what we think were barracuda or some type of fish with a full set of very sharp teeth.

I had just watched a special about the squid fisherman bringing in their catch and setting them up to dry, so this was a pretty cool sight.

Fishing nets
Big statue of very strong woman

Another view of ship and...

statues. Love this guy!
Very strange...a large shell building on the beach with people living inside. It was even equipped with two satellite dishes, but no windows.
At the end of the beach was a pirate boat ride.
It was getting late and, without going back up and over the mountain we had just come over, we weren't quite sure how to get back, so we did what all smart expats do at a time like this...we hailed a taxi!
Thanks, April, for a fantastic day!!
What a wonderful adventure. So glad that you are on the mend and enjoying getting out and about.