My friend Susan and I started our day in KaiFaQu at the dentist getting our teeth cleaned. Quite an experience! You know when you're having surgery and they drape a cloth with a hole in it across the surgical area? Well, this is what they did over your mouth. : / Then they used a special tool that sandblasted your teeth "clean" with a mixture salt and water. All I know is that it tasted pretty nasty.
Cute little tooth guy on the building.
Everything in China has a cute little, cartoon-like mascot.
After our interesting dental experience, we headed out to do some shopping in the outdoor markets and came across these adorable puppies.
I really needed a puppy fix, so I reached right in. This darling little creature rushed directly into my arms. I named her Ginger and was ready to take him home. Too bad Campus Village does not allow pets or I really would have!
Ahh, just breaks my heart.
She snuggled right in! It was not easy for me to say goodbye and walk away. : (
These are sold on the street everywhere. Candied fruits--some were identifiable and others I have not a clue what they were.

Then it was off to a wonderful Korean restaurant for some kimchi soup and kimbob (Korean sushi).
Reminds me of my monthly trips to Senji Sushi back home in Windsor with my dear friends John and Dave. It's not a 49er or carburetor roll, John, but it sure was delicious!!! Was thinking about you guys and wishing you were there!
Have I told you recently how good it is to eat, eat, eat!

Meet my friend Susan. She's from Korean and introduced me to all kinds of new, amazing food!
Thanks, Susan, for a fun-filled, laughter-filled day! I appreciate you! : )
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