We loaded up all the youngest children who were not in school today and took them to a national park just up the coast from the orphanage.
Yotin and Gomin having a blast playing with palm frawns on the most incredible beach just north of the orphanage.
Pauli and Matthew going on a crab hunt...
Pauli caught not just one, but TWO crabs! He was a happy camper! Pauli has been at the orphanage since he was one day old. His smile melts my heart.
Pauli showing off his catch.
Gowin with his palm frawn. He's been at the orphanage since he was four years old. He was so happy to be flinging that thing all over the beach! : )

Yotin and Ruth playing in the water.
Pristine coastline, not a soul in sight as far as the eye could see. Just beautiful!
Isaac, Matthew, Pauli and Gowin had a fabulous time playing in the sand together, catching crabs and building sandcastles.
Caleb and Doreen, the founder of the orphanage.
A happy Sarina playing in the water. Sarina just joined the orphanage about two months ago. She speaks little English, but her smile says it all! She has a ton of energy, this little girl! Constantly on the go and wanting you to play right along with her. : ) She just learned the word "me!"
Here's Ruth loving the water. When Ruth first came to the orphanage a few years ago, she would not speak to anyone and wouldn't let anyone touch her. Now she full of life, love, and communicates exactly what she needs! She loves to take me by the had and say, "Let's go play!" : )
Smiley Sarina!
Doreen and Ellie playing with the kids.
Brandi, Isaac and Matthew making a sandcastle.
Hello Cloud!

Sweet Ruth

The simplest toys make these kids happy! A stick turned into quite a bit of entertainment for Gowin. He used it to write in the sand, chased crabs with it, and even played catch with it!

Hanna caught two hermit crabs!
Adorable little Hanna, Ruth's sister. She was the expert hermit crab catcher. Hanna has been at the orphanage since she was a baby and speaks quite a bit of English and is one smart cookie! When we need to talk to the other kids she becomes our little translator.

Kaleb having a ball!

Doreen and Gowin having a snack.

Hanna waiting for a crab to come out of its hole in the sand.

Hanna, Matthew, and I took a walk down the beach to catch sea creatures. Hanna's cupt is full of hermit crabs, crabs, and sea snails. Not a bad day's catch!
Mrs. Hermit Crab
We found beautiful tree designs in the sand.

Crab tracks.
Sarina and Hanna picking up flowers and seeds pods to share with everyone.

Here, Phii Kim! This is for you! (They call us Phii Kim, Phii Meg, and Phii Brandi. Phii is Thai for "the older one" and is a term of respect.)

Look what we have, Phii Kim!

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