Megan and I are an awesome cleaning team! We start each day diving into a section of the orphanage that needs a little sprucing up. Today it was the fans in the girl's house.

Brandi's job is to work with the kids in the morning. Today she helped the kids learn to write their names in English.
Matthew and Hanna kicking back at movie time. Matthew and Isaac have been awesome with the kids, making very sweet connections. And the kids are loving Matthew and Isaac right back!

In the afternoon, Phii Bradi, Phii Meg and I helped out in the kitchen. We're making a delicious dessert...and I can't remember its name. You take a mixture of baked coconut and sugar, wrap a corn starchy dough around it, roll it into a ball, place it inside a banana leave, and wrap it up all snug and tight. Nu and Nid were the experts and whipped those things out with grace and ease...we were have a little difficulty with the snug and tight thing!
Nu and Nid are a Thai husband and wife team who live and work here at the orphanage. The have two children, Phaan and Khon Pon. They are the most gracious, caring, welcoming people and were happy to teach us how to cook Thai style...even if they had to redo just about everyone we wrapped!

Phii Meg giving it a go!

It took a while to get the hang of the wrapping.

Such concentration, Phii Brandi!
These things were deeeeelicious!!! The kids loved them, we loved them, and they didn't last long!
Phii Meg and Khon Pon, Nu and Nid's son. : ) He's beyond adorable. His name in means "Little Hammer" and he lives up to every image his name conjures up in the mind. He is a true Bam Bam!

Each evening, Yotin and Matthew have a contest to see who can sit in this chair for dinner. They've developed a very sweet relationship.

Dinner time! Every meal has been delicious!

Om is the oldest girl at the orphanage who arrived a short time ago and Phaan is the daughter of Nu and Nid. I've been teaching them how to speak English in the evening and they're teaching me Thai. Let's just say they soak up the knowledge much better than I do!
This evening, we had a Christmas gathering. Phii Brandi read the Christmas Story to the Children as Doreen translated into Thai. It was just beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.
Elephant rides on Phii Kim!!
Kaleb being an elephant...too cute!
We also made snowflakes! Brandi also brought this cool mixture that turned into snow...the kids loved it!
We brought stockings full of goodies for the kids. I loved watching their faces as they opened them. : ) What a treat!
Nelly with Hanna and Sarina. Nelly is on a mission from Australia to volunteer here at the orphanage for six months. She's great with the kids!
I loved watching the adults make snowflakes...they were in awe as they opened them up! This is Da. She and her husband, Pon, also live and work here at the orphanage. Da and Pon grew up at an orphanage together and later fell in love and married. : )
Da just loved her snowflake!
Phaan loving her new pen.
Gomin playing with his whistle. The kids were ecstatic about their new whistles! Nine whistles blowing all at the same time...cover your ears folks!
Doreen and Hanna

Sweet Sarina : )

Kaleb loving up his new teddy bear. : )

Ruth opening her stocking.
Our snowflakes! Merry Christmas everyone!
This is Joe, the oldest child at the orphanage. Very athletic kid!

Megan, Jess, and Brandon
What a glorious day!
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