Our jobs for the day: weeding the flag pole area, cleaning out the infant room and cleaning all the doors in the house. : )

Girls' room
Boys' room
Volunteers' room
The children made origami cranes.

Movie time!
Isaac and Hanna, those two have a sweet closeness now...
it's just adorable!
Pauli and Kaleb
Each time we go in a building the shoes come off.
Home of Pon, Da, and their daughter Khati, Thai staff.
The compound is absolutely beautiful!

Entrance to playroom.

Everyone has a cup. : )
Ruth and Megan
A serious Yotin
A silly Serina...she has the greatest facial expressions!

Look out! Here comes Hanna!
Isaac loves the swing set.

Pauli and Phii Brandi
Adorable Pauli!
Sarina's tootsies...too cute!! : )
At 12:30 the children go down for a nap and this is a siesta time for all. Megan and I greatly appreciate this time. We come back to our little cottage and crash!
There is a dress code here that we were not made aware of until we arrived. We did not come prepared, so each morning and afternoon after siesta time, we're scrambling around for something to wear that meets the dress code and is clean! Here's Jess wearing Megans shorts! Too cute Jess!

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go!!
All the hard work you guys have done this week is greatly appreciated!

The whole clan
Ruth having her snack after nap time.

Fun with sidewalk chalk.

Megan lifting up Pauli to see a bird's nest in the tree.

Sabrina monkeying around.
She such a little pixy...her playful spirit shines through!

Megan drew a hopscotch for the kids...they love it!

Ruth drawing a picture of her sister, Hanna.
Hanna drawing of a picture of herself.

Ruth drawing a picture of me. : ) I can see the resemblance, can't you?
Ruth taking a picture of herself as she sat on my lap.
"Look Phii Kim. It's you!"
Hanna drawing lipstick on herself.
Isaac's alien creature. Nice job, Isaac!

This is Bree and Nelly. Bree is from Iowa and Nelly is from Australia. They're both here on a mission to volunteer and take care of the sweet little ones. They live in the house with the girls. Sweet girls!
Ruth picked flowers for me. : )
Sarina on her bike. A sponsor purchased bikes for all the kids.

Ruth on her bike.

Isaac's hands after creating his sidewalk chalk alien. : )

English lesson time with Phaan, Om and Ruth. Very dedicated girls!
Throughout the day, all the children have a variety of chores to complete at the orphanage. One of Hanna's jobs is to mop the back porch after morning craft time.

All the older children do their own laundry daily...by hand!
Yotin doing his job, mopping up after the evening meal.

Ruth doing her laundry.

To sweet...
Jess, Brandon, and Doug have been working tremendously hard on construction jobs around the orphanage with Mark, Doreen's husband. Once in a while they surface and come out to play with the kids...and the kids, well, they just love it!

The Smiths brought the kids a nativity set and the kids had a great time adding to it!

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