Our Christmas party: The Twelve Drinks of Christmas. Traveling through six different apartments with two different drinks at each (mojito, long island ice tea, sangria, egg nog, etc, etc, etc...) plus all the delicious food your heart could desire. It reminds me of my dorm days. Great times, laughter, good friends, and lots of alcohol.
Megan, Veronica and Agnes
Nancy and Kimberly
Nancy, Kimberly, Megan, Agnes, Veronica
(Remind me to tell you this story someday!)
Cristina made delicious reindeer cookies with mint chocolate chip cookie eyes!
Where in the world did you find mint chocolate chips, Cristina?!
Veronica and Kimberly with holiday head gear.
Megan and Veronica...holiday head gear wars.
Veronica and Snowman Santa won.
Nancy and Agnes
Eli and Ana...more holiday head gear.
Ashton, Michelle and Brandon
Susan, Alejandra, Cristina and Veronica
Cristina and Susan
Cristina and Eli with those adorable cookies.

Veronica loved that Santa Snowman!
Stephanie, Ana and Michelle

James and Brandon
Agnes and Tim's Christmas tree--their home was beautifully decorated.

Jon, Brandon, Alejandra and Ashton
Poor Jess...sprained his angle and the doc had no crutches, so he was confined to a wheel chair.
White elephant gift exchange in China...very interesting!


Michelle opening her gift.
Tim picking out the perfect gift.
My gift...gorilla slippers.
Stolen three times, so they were mine! Love them!
Ana and Susan

Agnes, Megan and Jennelle
Veronica not liking her white elephant.

Holly and Veronica...not so happy with the results of the white elephant exchange.
Tim with his gift.

Loving the hat Cristina!
Susan opening her gift...

...pink heart ear muffs with lots of bling on the sides.
Claire trying on Cristina's new hat.
Veronica wishing she had my gift instead.
Just beautiful, Nancy!

Just perfect, Cristina!

Susan, Alejandra and Cristina modeling their new gifts.
Me modeling mine.

Oh no...here come the tequila shots!

Ana and her new scarf.

Veronica and Megan diving into the meringue.
What a great night!
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